Monday, October 1, 2012

Wolvy in 3012!

Monday, August 13, 2012

I've got class, no more...

So my Dynamic Sketching class at CDA has finally ended! I laughed. I cried....A lot. On the floor. While my classmates all pointed and laughed. Jesus, come to think of it, it was actually quite a traumatic experience. Anyways it's taught by Peter Han and has been very instrumental in re-furbishing my fundamentals. I highly recommend it. Here's a post-vomit of my some of my better stuff....

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I have a blog!!?! O_o

Why has it been this long, you may be asking? No? Great! I don't have a reason! So here's some stuff from a pitch I sent to Nickelodeon not too long ago. I assume I've been taken out of the running so here it is!
And most of you know that I'm taking a sketching class at Concept Design Academy. Finally starting to scan some stuff in so I'm going to start posting A LOT more.....